Coco Caravan

Vegan chocolate makers from Stroud

CocoCaravan - The Making off.....

Coco Caravan1 Comment
warmth of chocolate

An other great day in the kitchen today. Absolutely loving it......

Working with the finest cacao and unrefined sweeteners. The sent throughout the workplace is just to die for. 

I've been cooking for close to 25 years now and have been focusing on Chocolate for 3. When I directed my focus to cacao, I thought this is good, I'm liking this, I hope I can maintain such a strong focus as what I had from the start. 

Eating, smelling, feeling chocolate everyday since then and I can tell you, I'm still loving it. Every bite gives me a taste sensation.

The trick is simple: veganism and natural sweeteners. Eat all you want without putting you off your food. 


This will be the first of many posts on this blog where we share stories from our chocolate kitchen and when we will be announcing new flavours and sensations.